Reading Reflections

MOCA is celebrating artist Najja Moon. In her work “Reading Reflections,” Moon explores themes of reflection and self-empowerment through a human-scale intervention on MOCA’s Plaza. Led by Moon, participants will draw on rolls of canvas around the installation using black markers to add their own symbols and reflections on life, memories, poetry, hopes and dreams.
Guests can also enjoy a block party, an opportunity to meet the artist, food trucks, and free lemonade. Join Vinyl Social Club, a Miami-based collective of music lovers, vinyl collectors, and DJ’s of all skill levels for an open-spin format party where attendees are encouraged to bring their records and sign up for a 30-minute set. Guests are invited to stay for Jazz at MOCA, the monthly free community jazz concert.
#Get2NoMi #MOCA #Art


Mar 25 2022


6:00 pm


700 Northeast 124th Street, North Miami, FL 33161
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